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This New Normal of Ours

To state the obvious, we are all dealing with unpredictable travel right now

To state the obvious, traveling right now with the COVID-19 pandemic means that we are all dealing with the unpredictability of snap lockdowns restricting travel in and out of the Yarra Valley.

While we are constantly blown away and humbled by the continual support from our guests who are determined to come and stay here, we want to recognise the connected businesses and families to Kangaroo Ridge Retreat. These are the businesses and families supplying the fresh, delicious and amazing in-cabin experiences for our guests.

What happens when a snap lockdown is declared?
Our lockdown process means we are direct contact with all our guests in most cases it will be on the same day, the afternoon or evening. Initially we send a text and then make a personal call.

It’s sad to say that we have rehearsed this. Still, after the sixth time, it is not easy to contact our guests with bad news… again. Indeed, we know it’s not just travel plans that need to be thought through and adjusted. We recognise we are often part of a bigger events, such as weddings, and travelling to us involves logistics such as babysitters, other reservations, pets, flights and/or annual leave scheduling.

This rescheduling has two sides to it. And it is the behind the scenes suppliers that we actually want give a shout out to. These are the other businesses connected to us, those who are also affected by

the lockdown cancellations. And if you are interested, amongst the calls we are making to guests, we are also contacting our local partners.

Each stay is connected to at least five local businesses, Yarra Valley Laundry, dairy supplies from Stone & Crow, fresh Eggs from Seb’s Eggs, BBQ packs from the Main St Butcher, and fresh artisanal bread from Wild Grains Bakery. Indeed if guests have ordered specifica packages or Extras we are also contacting the High Tea Mistress, and cancelling day tours with Yarra Valley Touring Co among others.

Our team splits into three. One cabin manager contacts current and arriving guests, while the another contacts the local businesses who supply the wonderful local fresh produce in the cabins and the final cabin manager co-ordinates the close out process for the cabins so they are securely closed for the lockdown period (of course this is after our guests have left).

It is not a delightful job and therefore we gratefully recognise the genuine and supportive responses we receive from guests who have postpone their travel plans, and our tourism partners dealing with yet another cancellation. We also want to shout out to our magnificent Cabin Managers, who, while all this is going on, also have to re-arrange their lives as a result of the lockdown announcement.

Be kind to yourself if your are not feeling that great

It is a difficult time for all of us. So please be kind to yourself if you are not feeling it. Remember to check on your own mental health and those of your loved ones. During these times it’s important to celebrate the many good things around us – a good day can break the cycle of anxiety.

Call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or check Lifeline Australia for 24/7 support for anyone suffering emotional distress or trauma.


Thank you!

Thank you for your support – it is much appreciated during this time. We truly wish to welcome you here and share the unique isolated nature of Kangaroo Ridge Retreat. From all of us here at Kangaroo Ridge Retreat, wishing you and your loved ones safe travel and all the best of health in the coming weeks.

Stay safe and look after each other.



Healesville VIC, Australia